
Getting Ready to Launch

If you are here it means you have your Launch Pack, Gift Cards, and a Smart Order, and you are ready to Launch your Business. It's simple to start - Just Follow the F.A.S.T. Start Plan. 


FIND Motivated People 

From people you know personally, to the people you meet on social media or in real life, think about who you know that could benefit from your gift card, and who might benefit from giving out their own gift cards & earning residual income


ASK Engaging Questions

Reach out to the people you know, or message people who like & comment and start the conversation. But don't call or text to sell them something.  Ask questions to understand what they may need and what you can provide.


SHARE stories &

Whether you share your own story of health or success, or someone else's through a 3 way connect, this is the most AUTHENTIC way for people to learn about Purium products and our amazing Gift Card Marketing program


TEACH others to do the same

Enrolling a new brand partner using the FAST Start Method means they will understand how to do it right from the start - they just do what you do!  Helping new brand partners to START FAST is the best way to lead!

iLearn Purium

Everything you need to know about starting, and leading, your Purium business, all in one place!

It's all right here.  From the very first steps of our welcome message and introduction to the FAST Start program, to logos, personal development training, and all of the weekly communications - all in one place!
Log in through your back office or with this link 

Quick Access For Your Business



Grab your copy of the FAST Start Guide - understand the actions to take and the rewards ahead of you if you do!



This is a business of action!  Of talking to new people about healthy superfoods and a healthy business.  PLAN FOR THAT ACTION!


iEARN - Compensation Plan

Purium Offers one of the most lucrative all cash compensation plans in the industry.  THIS IS HOW WE EARN!


A Balanced Message of Business & Health

As Brand Partners we offer two unique opportunities - the chance to discover the power of real food as our customers; and the opportunity to earn a part time income by partnering with Purium.  As you start to build relationships and ask questions, you'll discover that A LOT of people are not just physically unhealthy, they are also financially unhealthy.  We have 3 clear paths for people to discover - shopping as customer at iShop, discovering the business and possibly starting a business themselves at iShare, and getting started with  FAST Start, learning, and growing personally & professionally with iLEARN.
I SHOP  -  I SHARE  -  I LEARN   - it's just that simple!

FOR CUSTOMERS to shop with your gift card for healthy food

FOR POTENIAL PARTNERS  to learn more about our business & enroll

FOR ALL BRAND PARTNERS to launch their business and grow!

Welcome to what I think is the best way to be an entrepreneur these days, and a business that you can run on your time and from just about anywhere. Our goal is simple - take our own healthy stories to the world (or at least the people we know and care about), and invite people to have a look at your new online superfood store, with your Gift Card of course, and what I think is one of the best opportunities in out entire industry of nutrition and wellness!

I am looking forward to meeting you, hearing about what this business means to you, and supporting your successes in any way that I can. That's why we built this website - so you can share this opportunity with the people you know, and so that you can help THEM get started if they decide to get into business for themselves. This is a business of duplication after all!

Here's to your success, and I look forward to celebrating that with you soon! And reach out any time you need a hand!

Jeff Browne - co-founder, Team L.I.F.E.

Need Help Getting Your Business Launched?

Drop Us A Line here and we will reach back to you by email to make sure we help get you plugged in!

Business Summit Countdown
(Do you have your tickets yet?)

Purium Summit at the Westin Long Beach California
August 6-8 2020